Meet the Crunchers: Maegan Spivey, Construction Contracts Specialist

What is your position at Document Crunch and what do you do in your role?  

I am a Contract Specialist and I serve the teams at Document Crunch to connect the work we do to the construction industry.  This can include testing, prompt engineering or providing content and context to help the team provide the best experience for customers. 

How would your fellow employees describe you?   

“Maegan has been full-time with us for just under half a year, but her impact has gone way beyond that already. Maegan has grabbed the bull by the horns and is utilizing her skills and talents to deliver awesome crunch-tools that you all are already benefitting from in one way or another. I am so very lucky and proud to have Maegan on the team with me!” - Kyle Dungca 

"Maegan brings a treasure-trove of knowledge and expertise that she knows how to put to use.  We are grateful she is on our team, not just because she's smart and hardworking, but she's also a really great person and fun to work with."  - Quentin Davis 

What is a surprising or fun fact about you?  

I love murder mysteries – reading (Miss Marple series by Agatha Christie are the best) or watching (the non-gory British/Australian ones are my favorite). 

Who or what inspires you the most?   

My mom and my mother-in-law.  They are amazing women who are resilient, growth-minded, generous and godly.  And they’ve built families that love to be together even as adults.  I love to be with them, see our kids love them just as much, and watch as they continue to take on big new things and be awesome at them. 

What drew you to Document Crunch?   

The mission!  

After I spoke to Josh Levy the first time, I couldn’t believe that we could be aligned on so many things related to something so specific like construction contracts. On my own, I wanted everyone to know what was in their contracts. But the Document Crunch team had already been working on something for years on the same mission that I could join and help more people than I ever thought possible.  It’s easy to wake up and go to work because I know what we do is so important for our industry. 

What do you like most about being a Cruncher?   

Easy: the people.   

After the first month at Document Crunch, my husband asked me who I was talking to all the time that I was laughing so much.  I told him, “My coworkers! Those are meetings!”   

We work hard but have so much fun doing it. 


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